Friday, July 31, 2009

25 Un-popular people of the world

M.M.M Ahmed,Editor,Proactive Personality Developer

*Apologetic people feel sorry for them and others all the time.

*Biased people are closed minded, prejudiced, and making sweeping assumptions.

*Blamers are blaming other people and not taking responsibility for their own actions.

*Boring people are digressers, ramblers, tedious, unfocussed, burblers and wafflers.

*Bullies are harassing, intimidating, threatening, dictatorial, aggressive and bossy.

*Change-resistant people are conservative, inflexible, risk-averse, unadventurous.

*Cold People are unaffectionate, unemotional, un-empathetic, uninvolved and brutal.

*Difficult People are contrary, disagreeable and disharmonious.

*Embarrassed people are scared to speak up, self-deprecating, self-effacing, shy.

*Gossipy People are cliquey and rumour-mongers.

*Hostile People are trouble-makers, uncooperative, unforgiving, unfriendly, grudging.
*Last-minuters leave things until the very last moment.

*Late People are unpunctual, unreliable and consistently miss deadlines.

*Loners keep themselves to themselves and not be obvious team players.

*Messy people are disorganized and untidy.

*Moody people are temperamental, unpredictable and unreliable.

*Negative people are but-ters, dampeners, pessimists and wet blankets.

*Phobic People are fearful, frightened, scared, terrified of presenting in public.

*Selfish people are inconsiderate, self-centered and self-obsessed.

*Unenthusiatic People are low on ambition, drive, excitement, inspiration, passion.

*Unmotivated People need telling every single thing to do, disengaged, uninterested.

*U-turners are backtrackers and mind-changers.

*Workaholics work very hard and find it difficult to stop working and do other things.

*Yes People agree with everything and have no real opinions of their own.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Foods That Are Killing You Silently

M.M.M Ahmed,Editor,Proactive Personality Developer

Harmful Effects of Sugar:-
* Sugar effects heart.* Sugar robs the body of vitamin-B.* Sugar depletes energy.

* Sugar is a stimulant and a stress food.* Sugar causes calcium loss from the body leading to bone decay.* Excess sugar affects pancreas and causes diabetes.

* Sugar causes tooth decay.* Sugar increases triglyceride.* Sugar increases weight.

* Sugar leads to problems like acidity, gas and indigestion.* Sugar increases the problem of constipation by not helping in bowel movements.* Sugar increases blood pressure.

Harmful Effects Of Excess Salt:-
* Excess salt increases blood pressure. * Salt is a stimulant and a stress food.

* Eating too much salt can pull calcium from the bones making them weak.

* Excess salts puts a heavy burden on kidneys.* Excess salt increases weight.

* Excess salt hardens the arteries.* Deficiency of organic sodium in table salt results in bronchial and lung problems.

Harmful Effects Of Caffeine:-
* Caffeine is present in tea, coffee, cola drinks, dark chocolates and pain killers.

* Caffeine has temporary benefits but permanent harmful effects.

* Caffeine drains energy.* Caffeine increases urine output.* Caffeine raises cholesterol.

* Caffeine causes calcium loss.* Caffeine harms breast- fed infants and pregnancy.

* Caffeine increases acidity.* Caffeine causes increased and irregular heart-beat.

* Caffeine increases blood pressure.* Caffeine causes sleep disturbance.

* Caffeine causes head-ache, irritability and anxiety.* Caffeine affects kidney and liver.

* Caffeine raises blood sugar and aggravates diabetes.

Harmful Effects Of Refined Cereals:-
* White flour or refined flour or maida and polished rice (very white) are the two most widely used refined cereals in our day to day food.

* Suffering from digestive disorders, tiredness, poor eye-sight, heart trouble and skin diseases.* fatigue and depletion of energy.* Weakening of bones leading to osteoporosis.

* Lack of fiber leading to constipation. * Increase in blood sugar leading to diabetes.

Note:-Fried, spicy and processed food to be avoided. Grilled, baked, natural food and zero oil or minimum oil to be used for good health. Brown rice, brown flour and green tea are better than white rice, white flour and black tea.
