Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Personal Atttributes Of MBA Students

M.M.M.Ahmed,Editor,Proactive Personality Developer

* High intelligence quotient

* Analytical brain

* Imagination

* Creativity.

* Ability to quickly grasp changing information and sift relevant facts from a mass of irrelevant data

* Technical competence.

* Numeracy.

*Business acumen.

* Enterpreurial flair.

* Capacity for taking risks.

* High achievement orientation.

* Ambition.

* Physical and mental agility.

* Self-confidence.

* Leadership qualities.

* Interpersonal skills.

* Ability to articulate ideas.

* Team spirit.

* Ability to get along with all sorts of people.

* Tact.

* Patience.

* Courage

* Moral integrity.

* Resilience.

* A fairly thick skin.

* Emotional stability

Saturday, July 5, 2008

25 Self-Suggestions To Be Happy And Let Others To Be Happy

M.M.M.Ahmed,Proactive Personality Developer
* I do care constructive criticism but do not care destructive criticism to get rid of sadness.
* I follow the positive points of others and ignore the negative points without backbiting.
* I accept my failure as a challenge and do my best to convert it to success for happy life.
* I have got a positive personality free of greed, jealously, fear, anger and selfishness.
* I don't believe anyone unless and until I see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears.
* I forget the bad past, I enjoy the present and expect the good future from The Almighty.
* I maintain my health by positive thinking as 80% diseases are due to negative thinking.
* I am humble and don't ignore anybody out of pride as pride kisses the ground.
* Nobody is free from problems in life, I welcome life as it comes as life is a gift from The Almighty.
* I don't make fun of others. I play general jokes without hurting any body's feelings.
* I don't argue with parents elders and teachers even if they are wrong as they are well- wishers.
* I keep myself busy always as "An idle man's brain is devil's workshop".
* I am free, fair and fearless to go ahead as even the sky is not the limit for me.
* If I laugh, all will laugh with me and if I cry , nobody will cry with me and I will be alone .
* I develop my personality physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.
* I thank The Almighty always for what I have and don't complain of what I dont have.
* I don't criticize others.I forget and forgive others. I don't take revenge , for happiness.
* I talk to people politely, positively and patiently without losing temper even for my rights.
* I don't interference into personal problems of others and expect the same from others.
* I am friendly with everyone.I don't hate my enemies as they will become my friends.
* I don't lie and speak the truth to get peace of mind which is the source of happiness.
* I don't depend on others and I do my work with my own hands to be independent.
* I pray, eat healthy food and exercise daily for good health as health is wealth.
* I do favour to people without expecting anything from them and expect from The Almighty.
* I follow the above self- suggestions for good human relations as good human relations are more rewarding than prayers .Hence I am Happy ,Honest, Hopeful, Helpful and Hard working.