Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Smoking and Pregnancy

M.M.M.Ahmed, Proactive Personality Developer
Here are some of the facts about smoking and pregnancy

* Stop smoking three months before trying to conceive-men and women.

* If you need to feel something in your mouth, chew sugar-free gum.

* If you smoke when you're pregnant you risk harming your unborn baby, having a miscarriage or giving birth to an underweight baby who is vulnerable to infections.

* The children of fathers who smoke 20 or more cigarette a day have a higher risk of cancer than children of non-smoking fathers. Smoking damages sperm, so prospective fathers should give up smoking.

*Smoking increases the Likelihood of cot death.

*No one should smoke in a house where there is baby or young child and don't let anyone who is smoking hold your child.

Problems With Bottle- Feeding

M.M.M.Ahmed,Proactive Personality Developer

* The posset from a bottle-fed baby has an unpleasant smell, as do the stools.

* Some babies are allergic to the alien protein in cow's milk. There are soya substitutes for babies with allergic; nursing mothers in families with a history of eczema or asthma are advised to breast-feed or use these substitutes.

* The Sterilization of bottle-feeding equipment and the careful preparation of feeds are time-consuming compared to the accessibility of breast-milk.

* Bottle-fed babies are more prone to gastric infections than breast- fed babies,who receive some protection from their mothers' milk.

* The cost of formula milk, bottles, teats and sterilizing equipment is substantial, whereas breast-milk is free and is always available.

Disadvantages of Living on your back for Delivery

M.M.M.Ahmed,Proactive Personality Developer

If you lie on your back

* Your blood pressure may drop, thus reducing the amount of blood and oxygen to the baby.

* Pain is greater in this position than if you can be vertical.

* Pain is greater in this position than if you can be vertical.

* There is a greater need for an episiotomy.

* There is an increased chance of your having a forceps delivery.

* It inhibits spontaneous delivery of the placenta.

* There is a greater possibility of low back strain in this position

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being A Working Mother

M.M.M.Ahmed,ProactivePersonality Developer


* Increased independence.

* Financial rewards-the chance to raise the standard of living of your family.

* Career fulfilment-the chances to use whatever training and qualifications you may have.

* More intense interaction with your child when you are at home.

* Intellectual need to work-you may feel bored and lonely at home.

* Ability to maintain a high profile in your chosen field of work.


* Sense of guilt and inadequacy because you feel you are neglecting your child.

* Isolation from the community.

* Extreme tiredness because you will be juggling two jobs at once.

* Great Stress due to dual responsibilities and the need to be constantly planning ahead.

* Resentment of the other full-time mothers in your community.

* Difficulty and concerns about finding and keeping good children.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Twelve Reasons For Getting More Active

M.M.M.Ahmed,Editor,Proactive Personality Developer

* To feel happier.

* To boost your brain power.

* To have more energy.

* To cope better under stress.

* To give you more confidence.

* To cut your risk of coronary heart diseases.

* To reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

* To improve your metabolism.

* To slow down the ageing process.

* To perk up your Skin tone.

* To walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath.

*To feel good about yourself

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ten Harmful Emotions and their Antidotes

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

Harmful Emotions

* Anger

* Blame

* Hostility

* Hate

* Revenge

* Jealousy

* Resentment

* Suspicion

* Indifference


* Empathy

* Understanding

* Sympathy

* Patience

* Tolerance

* Kindness

* Forgiveness

* Forget Bad Past

* Enjoy Good Present

* Expect Better Future

Ten Thoughts That Can Make You Unhappy

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor,Proactive Personality Developer.

* Theirs is better.(comparing)

* I want more... and more.(greed)

* If it's not black it must be white.(all-or-nothing)

* If it's not perfect it's no good.(perfectionism)

* Why is this always happening to me?(exaggeration)

* I'm not going to like this.(jumping to negative conclusions)

*I feel it, so it must be true.(emotional reasoning)

* I'm a label, you're a label. (labelling)

* I should do this, you should do that.(obligation)

* If it's wrong it must be my fault.(wrongly taking responsibility)