Saturday, January 23, 2010

Persistence Is Success Giving Up Is Failure

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor,Proactive Personality Developer

* Persistence is a winning ingredient and giving up is a losing ingredient.

* The opposite of persistence is giving up and this is the norm for many people.

* Every invention in our personal lives is the result of persistence.

* Edison made thousands of attempts to produce a light bulb.

* Fleming's discovery of penicillin was due to persistence.

* There are now drugs that not only control but cure cancer.Once again, this is due to persistence.

* The list is endless, but all have been achieved through hundreds of attempts and by getting it wrong until a solution was found.

* There is a difference between stubborn and persistent.

* Being persistent is positive and constructive attempting some new action or a new approach.

* Being stubborn is negative and destructive attempting the same old action and old approach.

* If you want something, whatever it may be, persistence will prevail.

* Be persistent and avoid giving up by mastering rejection.

* Are you persistent?????


Triplem said...

Perseverance is the virtue which enables you to move mountains and gives you a halcyon feeling

M.M.M. Ahmed said...

your comments are very impressive but your English language is more impressive.