Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Problems With Bottle- Feeding

M.M.M.Ahmed,Proactive Personality Developer

* The posset from a bottle-fed baby has an unpleasant smell, as do the stools.

* Some babies are allergic to the alien protein in cow's milk. There are soya substitutes for babies with allergic; nursing mothers in families with a history of eczema or asthma are advised to breast-feed or use these substitutes.

* The Sterilization of bottle-feeding equipment and the careful preparation of feeds are time-consuming compared to the accessibility of breast-milk.

* Bottle-fed babies are more prone to gastric infections than breast- fed babies,who receive some protection from their mothers' milk.

* The cost of formula milk, bottles, teats and sterilizing equipment is substantial, whereas breast-milk is free and is always available.

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