Thursday, May 1, 2008


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* If the sitting posture is correct, you can reduce strain and concentrate on your lessons.
* Do not bend like a bow when you read or write.
* You bend without your knowledge forward to read or write and develop back-ache and neck pain
* Give some intermittent breaks and move your neck, head and body to left and right for fresheningup.
* If your sitting posture is correct, you will be correct and your entire body co-operates with you.
* Never sit in the same posture for a long duration. Your body will start reacting. Get up every hour to stretch your body.
* If your posture is bad, try book balancing-an excellent way to improve posture. Take a book,preferably heavy and place it on your head. Try to walk with your body erect. the book must not fall off your head.
* Fear of failure often can be worse than failure itself. People who don't try have failed before attempting. When infants learn to walk, they keep failing but to them it is not failing so they get up.
Correct Sitting Posture Is A Must For Study

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