Thursday, May 1, 2008


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Physical Fitness is the essential ingredient of a good memory, intelligence and success in the exam.

* Regular Exercise, Sports and games are neccessary to keep the muscles in proper working order.

* Eat well and look after the body to compensaye the loss of energy due to too much mental strain.

* Strtch the limbs periodically so that there is proper blood circulation in the veins and a good will ensure and increase brain power.

* Balanced Diet and Reasonable Recreation have to be enjoyed to enhance the capacities of the mind and increses its receptive power

* Be an Act- Now person. Procrastination leads to a negative attitude. The habit of procrastination fatigues you more than the effort it takes to do it. A completed task is fulfilling and energizing. An incomplete task drains energy like a leak from a tank

A Healthy Diet And Regular Aerobic Exercise

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