Sunday, May 4, 2008


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor Proactive Personality Developer

* Get up early in the morning. Do Physical exercise. These things would make the mind healthy, whatever you read you remember forever.

* Read Newspaper to know current affairs. You buy some good books and read.

* Do not leave puzzles. They sharpen your mind. Searching for information or a complicated question would increase your mental capacity

* Assist your parent in domestic duties to understand the responsibilities.

* Visit the houses of your relatives and family friends.

* Do some short term useful courses.

*Refer Career guidance books, contact counseling centres and take advices from educational psychologists.

* The Way we communicate with others and the way we communicate with ourselves ultimately determine the quality of our lives.

* A summer job or internship could be a smart option. This gives you the opportunity to learn to be more responsible, confident, professional and most importantly, understand the value of money.

*Explore the world by visiting new places to make yourself far-sighted.

*In this century it is necessary to foresee things atleast ten future years.

Holidays-Change The Activities Do Not Become Lazy

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