Wednesday, April 30, 2008


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Self- Confidence is essential to develop a good memory power.

* You should believe in your capability of doing things how difficult they may be.

* When you feel you can you know and you deserve. You gain self-confidence.

* Elders should give a patient hearing to the doubts entertained by their children and clear them immediately.

* Self-Esteem is the rock on which the foundation of self-confidence can be laid. This is nothing but respecting yourself,your heal th, your capability to do a thing and lastly your personality.

* You are what you think you are. But first ask yourself, what do you thinkyou are? What are you capable of achieving? What are your hightest limits and greatest potentials? If you are a seed how big is the tree of your achievements?

* Self-Esteem makes self-motivated and ambitious, builds optmistic attitudes and improves perforance.

* Self-Confidence comes from preparation, which is nothing but planning and practicing.
* Winners put Pressure on themselves. That is the pressure of preparing and not worrying and winning.
Total Absence of Shyness with a High Opinion of Oneself


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Concentration is to put all your efforts and senses to focus on one thing.

* Have definite objectives.

* Do your best to be excellent in everything you do.

* Involve yourself in learning by trying to understand everything. If you do not do not give up. Find out from your Teacher your Parents or your Friends. When you finally understand you will be happy you tried.

* Before reading a lesson for the first time, take out the lesson,make a list of all sub-headings. This will give you a feel about the lesson and how it flows from one topic to another. This will give a meaning to the lesson you are about to read.

* The most effective studies can be done in an environment where there is no distraction. There can be many sources of distraction but the greatest one is your own thoughts. You can meditate to calm your thoughts down.

* The place where you sit to study is the single most critical factor. It must be cut off from other distractions.

* Library is a good place to study. The study atmosphere makes it even more motivating to study.

* Debate is masculine but conversation is feminine.

Concentration Is Intensive Mental Effort


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Motivation is the inner urge that makes a person to act with a sense of purpose.

* It is important for you to realize that you are studying for your own future.

* Understand the purpose of your study.

* Ask questions and seek answers in everything you study.

* Ambition is the guiding force whoch motivates you to study better. Reframe your ambition today- High aim to be the best (Small aim is a crme as per our president APJ Abdul Kalam)

* Do not get discouraged by people who laugh at you. Do not share your ambition with everyone. Every morning you get up from your bed, think intensely of your targeted goal-make it so irresistible that you will have to get up.

* An ambition motivates you to study harder. Make a positive change- that is the fuel that drives you.

* An ambition has a magnetic effect. It attracts you to itself. Every day you can access untapped sources of enthusiasm by thinking of your goal in life alone

* I hear, I forget I see.I remember.I do, I understand.

Motivation is Essence of Success


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* I Believe In God Almighty.

* I Like Myself.

* I Like My Parent.

* I Like My Family.

* I Like My Neighbours.

* I Like My Friends.

* I Like My Teachers.

* I Like My School/College.

* I Like My Subjects.

* I Like My Home Work.

* I Like My Result ( Whatever It My Be).

* I Don't Expect Everyone To Be Like Me.

* I Forget And Forgive.

* I Smile And Let Everyone To Smile.

* I Thank Almighty For Every Breath Which Gives Me A New Life Full of Happiness.

* An ounce practice is thousand times better than tons and tons of speech

Positive Thoughts- Positive Changes- Positive Actions


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* I can Now Read Perfectly

* I can Now Write Perfectly.

* I can Now Menorize Perfectly.

* I can Now Make Notes Perfectly.

* I can Now Do My Home Work Perfectly.

* Now I Am Confident And Enthusiastic that I can Write My Examination Perfectly.

* I am Positive And Optimist Now that I can Pass My Examinations with 100% Marks.

* I am Always Safer and I can Always Think of Becoming Great.

* I am Really Smart And I believe In.

* I can Study Smarter Rather than Harder.

* I am an Act-Now person.

* I am a Topper.

* Every day in my studies I am getting better,better and better.

* Every thing is comming to me easily and comfortably.

* Whatever I Read or hear I can easily remember and reproduce it.

Think like a man of action and act like a man of thought


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Regular and Special Prayers

* High Aim
( Small Aim is a Crime as per president APJ Abdul Kalam)

* Inspiration and Motivation

* Proactive Planning

* Targeted Goal

* Firm Determination

* Devotion and Dedication

* Working Smarter Rather than Harder.

* Creative and Analytical Mind.

* Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence.

* Innovative and Different Presentation.

* Discipline.

* Diplomacy.

* Balanced Diet.

* Regular Aerobic Exercise.

* Time Management.

* Sleep Management.

* Health Management.

* I Can Do Attitude

* You are what you think.

Obey The Parents and Respect The Teachers

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How Important is Self- Grooming?

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* If you price yourself like a Mercedes you must also look like a Mercedes.

* You must dress for where you want to be rather than where you are.

* If you want to be taken seriously, you must take care of how you dress.

*Self - grooming not only includes appearance but also posture, body language and etiquette.

* Clothes must be ironed, shoes must be polished and hair must be neatly combed.

* The best way is to dress conservative for both men and women.

* The way you dress is your personal brand and you are the face of your family, your company and your country.

* How you present yourself at an interview or at a meeting, how you walk, how you stand, how you sit, how you communicate and how you conduct yourself matters a great deal today.

* Dress to kill.

* First impression is the last impression.

How To Deal With Diffficult People

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Turn conflict into cooperation by reducing differences and working on common goal.

* Bring out the best in people. Do not bring out the worst in people.

* Use sophisticated techniques to neutralize whining, negativity and attacks.

* Communication is like a phone number. If you miss one number, the call will not go through. In the same way the communication should be complete and in order to get the job done.

* There are different people in the world and you have to deal with them successfully.

* Change your attitude first, then your behaviour.Get the task done,get along with people and get appreciation from people.

* You can't change difficult people. But you can communicate with them in such a way that they change themselves.

* Think of dealing with different people like going to the gym. They are giving you a workout of your communication muscles.

* The secret to communication effectiveness with difficult people is flexibility.

* Anything you do differently increases the likelihood of your success.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Be Expressive - Be A Winner

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Don't keep to yourself

* Don't Avoid People.

* Don't Talk Less

* Don't be a back bencher.

* Don't become nervous.

* Feel comfortable among Strangers.

* Don't be oversensitive.

* Don't feel inferior and insecure.

* Do Communicate Spontaneously.

* Improve Vocabulary to be confident.

* Be interactive always with Parents.
Teachers, Relatives and Friends.

* Have an eye to eye contact.

* Highlight your achievements.

* Ventilate Your feelings freely.

The Inferiority Complex Degrades a person. The Superiority Complex Creates a ego inbeastly a person.

The Reality Complex makes you a Winner

Picture Success Through Mind's Eye

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Plan and execute by smart hard work.

* No short cuts to success. Be devoted and dedicated.

* You are better than what you think. If others can do it, you can too.

* Change, learn and improve for better

* Name your goals and claim them.

* Take challenges. It is better to fail than not to try at all.

* Broaden your horizon. Turn the losses into profits. The wise will turn the tide and the fool will drown.

* Take initiative to change yourself in anticipation of future developments.

* A good idea has no meaning unless it has been acted upon. Take first step

* Accept yourself. When you accept yourself, the world will accept you.

* Be disciplined to honour your commitments.

* Be accountable when the responsibility is yours, the credit too is yours.

* Control your life to SUCCESS

Be A Student All Through Your Life

Parents and Teachers' Role Towards Students

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* The Parents and the Teachers should not neglect the students. It is better to devote a little more time in moulding the children than repairing the men later

*The students are super- saturated with bookish knowledge but are unable to apply that in practical terms

* The Parents and the teachers are responsible for the mental get up of the students.

* The Parents and the Teachers should not compare the students. Every student is endowed with special traits and shortcomings. He or She needs special treatment.

* The students should be interested in everything taught and education should appear like a play. But the parents and the Teachers often make the mistake of teaching the student forcibly.

* The students should be allowed to grow freely and to learn freely without fear to observe things, explore and do for themselves for all- round personality development.

The Students need Warm, Encouraging and Conductive Environment

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Are You Emotionally Intelligent ?

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Emotional intelligence is the ability to take decisions with an understanding of our own emotions.

* Emotionally intelligent people communicate more successfully than their emotionally unaware counter parts.

* Develop empathy, manage conflicts and create win- win situations.

* Improve your emotional intelligence to improve your personal and professional life.

* Use key relationships skills to influence others and get results.

* Career success is closely related to emotional intelligence skills.

* Success comes from knowing yourself, learning to get along with others acting with passion and pursing worth while goals.

* Emotionally intelligent people rise to the top in business because they are self- motivated and self- confidence.

* They are not at the mercy of out- of- control emotions. They may be disappointed by setbacks but they recover from than quickly

* Enhance your social radar through observation and empathy.

* Anticipate others moods and reactions.

* The emotional intelligence skills are
  • Self- awareness
  • Self- confidence
  • Self- regulation
  • Inspiration and Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social Acumen
  • Persuasiveness
  • Conflict Management
  • Anger Management
  • Sense of Humour

Develop Your Personality

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer
* Never think or speak negatively about yourself as almighty created you positively

* Concentrate on your strengths and encourage yourself as nobody will do so.

* Don't compare yourself to anybody else you are an original not a copy.

* Focus on your potential not your limitations.

* Do well what you like and strive to do it with excellence.

* Be a God pleaser not a people pleaser . Have the courage to be different.

* Learn to handle criticism. Let it develop you instead of discourage you.

* Determine your own worth instead of letting others do it for you. They will short- change you.

* Keep your short- comings in perspective you are still a work in progress.

* Focus daily on your greater source of confidence- The Almighty

Friday, April 18, 2008

Top TwelveTips For Group Discussion

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Take care of your body language. It speaks more than your words.

* Articulate wellwithout fumbling and mumbling

* Make eye contact while talking.

* Use short sentences to express yourself.

* bind the attention of the listeners with good oratorical skills.

* Maintain your confident self- assured style.

* Exude composure, enthusiasm, confidence, mental alertness and exuberance.

* Don't get nervous. Being nervous reduces all preparations and efforts to nullity.

* Don't lose your self- confidence. Self confidence is the key to success.

* Don't be defensive. It gives a wrong impression that a person is too rigid in his views and cannot accept others views.

* Don't be impatient and argue unnecessarily. One proves to be a misfit in society.

* Don't be reserved or too arrogant. such a person cannot group tasks with ease

Twelve Top Tips For Better Networking

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Network with people who van influence positive outcomes for you;

* Put effort into projecting a person- perfect and work-perfect image at all times

* Have the time of day for your network contacts;

* Advise your contacts if your phone number changes or your move jobs;

* Check your messages and e-mail regularly and consistently;

* Get back to people when you say you will;

* Make sure your contacts know what you expect from them;

* Don't network with people you don't know;

* Don't network with people who could let you down;

* Don't try to network with people with whom you've got no common interest or shared experience

* Don't let people you work with in on your darker secrets ( keep them to yourself);

* Don't use your network for gossip and spreading rumours;

Be A Leader Not A Manager

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Invite the challenges and reward those who rise it.

* Give up the past to operate in the future.

* Make risks and take risks.

* Focus on opportunity.

* Create adventure and innovation

* Have deep conviction and display it.

* Stand on your own.

* Build relationships and Trust.

* Don't slip your tongue.

* Follow polite modes of debate and discussion.

* Use influencing tactics.

* Turn Knowledge into action.

* Concentrate more on relationships with people.

* Concentrate on behaviour.

* Focus on your strong points.

* Work on your weak points overtime.

* Learn from the mistake that leaders make.

* Use your voice to good effect. A deeper tone projects greater confidence and authority.

* Sit upright at meetings and take most Central Seating Position. Keep your chin up.

* Say Yes and mean it. Say no and mean it.

* Adjust your gestures, postures and tone of voice to assert your leadership.

* Focus on opportunity

* Be Open And Honest in your comunication

Non-Achievement -NeverNever Giveup

M.M.M.Ahmed,Editor,proactive Personality Developer

* Non-Achievement does not mean you are a failure'

It just means you have not succeeded yet.

* Non-Achievement does not mean you have accomplished nothing.

It just means you have learnt something.

* Non- Achievement does not mean you are wrong

It just means you should try harder.

* Non- Achievement does not mean you should give up

It just means you should try harder.

* Non- Achievement does not mean you will never make it.

It just means Almighty has a better plan for you


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Work Smarter Rather Than Harder

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Move More----------------- Sit Less

* Drink More----------------- Eat Less

* Live More------------------ Loaf Less

* Save More------------------ Waste Less

* Love More------------------ Hate Less

* Smile More------------------Grouse Less

* Laugh More----------------- Worry Less

* Think More------------------Idle Less

* Work More------------------ Talk Less

* Walk More------------------- Drive Less

* Run More ------------------- Ride Less

* Chew More------------------- Eat Less

* Interact More---------------- Silence Less

* Appreciate More-------------Criticize Less

* Obey More-------------------Argue Less

Inspiring and Motivating the Students

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Proactive Persons' Perceptions

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* They are creative and flexible in the way they achieve their goals.

* They are inspired by a Vision of what they bare trying to achieve.

* They are committed to quality in performance and all aspects of team work.

* They make themselves visible and accessible to others.

* They commit to the success of the organisation.

* They find time to listen to members ideas and points of view.

* They constantly look for ways to do things better.

* They have clear goals and a well understood strategy.

* They pride themselves on creativity and innovation.

* They communicate strongly what they stand for.

* They have a realistic strategy for turning vision into reality.

* They listen and act.

* They drive their power to influence from credibility not formal authority.

* They welcome advice and comments from outside.

* They make things happen.

* They have high expectations of themselves and others.

They constantly ask,''What are we trying to achieve?''

Almighty Created Man To Work

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Man is nothing without working.

* An idle man's brain is devil's workshop.

* If you are poor- work.

* If you are rich- work.

* If failures discourages you- work.

* If success encourages you- work.

* You have been burdened with unfair responsibilities- work.

* You have been entrusted with deserving responsibilities- work.

* You have not been paid fairly- work.

* You have been paid handsomely- work

* When dreams are shattered- work.

* When faith falters- work.

* When future appears bleak- work.

* When hope seems dead- work.

* Work is the greatest stress- buster.

* Work is the mightiest morale booster.

* Work is the best boredom- beater.

* Work is equally effective disease- fighter.

* If you neglect your work, your invite worry, fear, doubt and debt.

* Work is the greatest solution for all problems

* So work, work, and work sincerely

Monday, April 14, 2008

Top Twelve BenfitsTo Start Running Today

M.M.M.Ahmed,Editor Proactive Personality Developer

* Running is the quickest way to cardiovascular today

* Running is one of the cheapest forms of exercising

* Running is easy to learn

* Running makes you feel good

*Running is excellent for reducing stress levels

* Running is one of the most flexible methods of training

* Running is good for your heart

* Running is accessible to all

* Running helps you lose weight and tone muscles

* Running is for people of all ages

* Running is mood-booster

* Running is as effective as antidepressants is treating depression

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Winners Don't Do Different Things TheyDo Things Differently

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* The Winner is Proactive.

* The Loser is Reactive.

* The Winner always has a programme.

* The Loser always has an excuse.

* The Winner makes commitments.

* The Loser makes promises.

* The Winner says, 'Let us find out'.

* The Loser says, ' Nobody knows'.

* The Winner says, ' Let me do it for you.'

* The Loser says, That is not my job.'

* The Winner says, It may be difficult', but it is possible.

* The loser says, It may be possible, but it is too difficult.

* The Winner says, ' There ought to be a better way to do it.

* The Loser says, ' That is the way it is always been done here.'

* The Winner goes through a problem.

* The loser goes around the problem and never gets past it.

* The Winner says, ' I am good, but not as good as I ought to be'.

*The Loser says, ' I am not bad as a lot of other people.

* When the Winner makes a mistake, he says, 'I was wrong'.

* When the Loser makes a mistake he says, 'It was not my fault'.

* To a winner, a setback is a stepping stone to success.

* To a Loser, a setback is a stumbling block.

* The Winner has a vision.

* The Loser has no vision.

* The Winner sees possibilities.

* The Loser sees problems.

* The winner makes it happen.

* The Loser lets it happen.

* The Winner succeeds inspite of the problems.

* The Loser cannot face the problems.

* The Winner never quits. Patience

* The loser quits. No Patience

* Being with a Winner makes you a Winner.

* Being with a Loser makes you a Loser.

* The Winner has a high aim.

* The Loser has a small aim.

The Winner works smartly.

The Loser works hardly.

The Winner seeks opportunity.

* The Loser seeks security.

* The Winner is Optimist.

* The Loser is Pessimist

Proactive Minds

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Small Minds Discuss People

* Average Minds Discuss Events

* Great Minds Discuss Ideas

* Genius minds act Silently

* Proactive minds act Smartly

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Characteristics of a Creative Person

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* A creative person possesses good sense of humour.

* A creative person possesses good listening ability.

* A creative person works relentlessly.

* A creative person is observant.

* A creative person is non-conformist.

* A creative person posseses an IQ between 100 and 140.

* A creative person takes interest in exploring ideas.

* A creative person does not give any importance to status symbols.

* A creative person places no value on job security.

* A creative person is independent.

* A creative person accepts failures easily.

* A creative person possesses a high desire for freedom.

Top Ten Qualities of Creative Engineers

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Creative Engineers have fewer authoritarian attitudes.

* Creative Engineers are less anxious.

* Creative Engineers take fewer unwarranted risks.

* Creative Engineers are more dynamic, integrative and autonomous.

* Creative Engineers place higher values on practical matters.

* Creative Engineers are more oriented toward achievements.

* Creative Engineers work slowly and cautiously when collecting data and analyzing a problem.

* Creative Engineers give greater evidence of psychological well-being.

* Creative Engineers see their own attitudes as being quite different from those of other people.

* Creative Engineers are proactive and not reactive.

Top Twelve Qualities Of An Engineer

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Liking for new and different things.

* Good Judgement.

* Mathematical Ability.

* Simulation and Measurement.

* Skill in optimization and experimentation.

* Ability to work with others.

* Ability to use information sources.

* Effective Communication Skills.

* Objectivity.

* Questioning Attitude.

* Capacity for self improvement.

* Practical Thinking.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Proactive Presentation Tips

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Keep the audience interested and inspired.

* Verbal, Visual and aural ideas to get your message across.

* Organise your information.

* Be authoritative to handle the questions.

* A sense of humour to keep the audience receptive.

* Build rapport with the audience.

* Don't give handout at the beginning. People will read instead of paying attention to you.

* Proactive presentation involves what you say,how you say, how you look, your voice and body language.

* Make presentation pleasure not plain.

* Concentrate on the main objective of the presentation.

* Project your best professional self.

* A good presentation is a mixture of total relaxation and concentration.

* Do a psychological warm-up before presentation.

* Do a vocal warm - up before presentation Do a physical warm -up before presentation.

* Walk like a winner, head up, easy pace, good eye contact, pause and smile.

8 Don't speak and walk at the same time, it reduces your impact to zero.

* Memorize your opening and closing remarks for more impact.

* Have a spray of your favourite scent to boost your confidence.

* Look sincere, look the part, look credible, look enthusiastic and look at your audience.

* Get feed back of your presentation.

* Check out your positive mental attitude.

Pre-Presentation self-talk ----- I am well - prepared.

During - Presentation self - Talk ---- I am doing well.

Post - presentation self - talk ---- I have done well.

Five Stars Of Proactive Personality Blog

* Star No.1 ............M.M.M.Ahmed.- Editor-in-Chief

* Star No.2............ Zakia Masood - Associate Editor

* Star No.3.............M.Muqtadir. - Editor

* Star No. 4........... Ruqia Masood - Managing Editor

* Star No .5............M.Mohtashim. - Sub -Editor

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Smile Can Change The Lives

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* A Smile Costs nothing but it gives much.

* A Smile enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give.

* A Smile takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

* None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without a Smile and none is so poor butthat he can be made rich by a Smile

* A Smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business and is the countersign of friendship

* A smile brings rest to the weary, Cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad and it is nature's best antidote for trouble

* A Smile cannot be brought, begged, borrowed or stolen for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away.

* Some people are too tired to give a Smile

* Give them one of yours as none needs a Smile so much as he who no more to give.

Saluting The Spirit Of All- Round Personality Development

Say No To Suicides

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Life is a Gift ------------------------ Accept It

* Life is a Challenge -------------------Meet It.

* Life is an Adventure -----------------Dare It.

* Life is a Sorrow---------------------- Overcome It.

* Life is a Tragedy. --------------------Face It.

* Life is a Duty ------------------------Perform It.

* Life is a Game----------------------- Play It.

* Life is a Mystery. -------------------Unfold It.

* Life is a Song ------------------------Sing It.

*Life is a Opportunity ----------------Take It.

* Life is a Journey-------------------- Complete It.

*Life is a Promise --------------------Fulfill It.

* Life is a Struggle --------------------Fight It.

* Life is a Puzzle ----------------------Solve It

* Life is a Love -----------------------Enjoy It.

* Life is a Beauty --------------------Praise It.

*Life is a Spirit ---------------------Realise It.

*Life is a Goal ----------------------Achieve It.

* Life is a Aim ----------------------Have a High Aim

* Life is a Dream -------------------Have a Big Dream

Monday, April 7, 2008

Proactive Communications skills

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Believe in yourself, 'Can do attitude.

* Ensure your message is understood.

* Add color by telling a short story

* Interactive sessions with a sense of humour

*Keep it short and simple

* Express your emotions with good gestures and postures

* Use an outline to organise your thoughts before speaking.

*Use active verbs for more power to your communication.

* Your audience judges you on your appearance, Your voice and your message.

* Control your emotions by expressing or suppressing

* Keep yourself up to date with current events

* The body language should agree with your spoken words

* Erect posture projects confidence, leadership and authority

* Dress appropriately to the occasion, public appearance or business meeting

* A smile is the most effective means to establish effective communications

* Be like able for your ideas to be acceptable

* Talk in a language that is acceptable to the listener.

* Be receptive to new ideas as a closed mind is a dying mind.

* Illustrate with personal examples.

* When people around you lose control, be the eye of the storm and attempt to remain cool, calm and quiet

* Maintain a positive self - image. Think about the good things that have happened to you

*Use the magic words for good manners. Thank you, Excuse me, Sorry, Never mind , Please, Pardon.

*Avoid words that hurts other's feelings.

* Handle Disagreements with tact

Don't talk down to the other person.-Treat others as equals. Neither superior nor inferior


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer
A - Active - Not Just Active But Proactive
B - Believes In God Almighty
C - Communicates Effectively
D - Devoted And Dedicated
E - Energetic
F - Fearless
G - Gracious
H - High Aim
I - Innovative And Different
J - Judicious
K - Knowledgeable

- Lively And Lovely
M - Motivated
N - No To Suicides
O - Obedient
P - Punctual
Q - Quick Starter
R - Responsible
S - self- Confident
T - Trustworthy
U - Unselfish
V - Victorious
W - Worthful

X - Xpressive
Y - Yielding
Z - Zealous


M.M.M.Ahmed,Editor,Proactive Personality Developer

* Forgiveness is healthier, Stress reliever and peace of mind for you

* The person with whom you are engaged in conflict would either welcome your forgiveness or would forgive you too.

* Forgiveness does not mean excusing bad behaviour.Rather it means that you are prepared to move forward and let go of your bitterness towards the other person.

* If you don't forgive, the emotional weight you carry from the grudge when you think about the conflict increases blood pressure, stress hormones, heart rate, perspiration and muscle tenseness.

* Forgiveness is accepting the things you can't change, changing the things you can.

* You can't change the fact that the conflict occurred, but you can change your response to the conflict.

Adopt The Policy Of Forget And Forgive


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* How entrepreneurial are you ?

* Do you know your worth?

* Could you convince someone else to employ you?

* Do you under or over value yourself ?

* What are you most proud of achieving ?

* How relevant and up to date is your knowledge ?

* Who do you benchmark yourself against ?

* How creative do you think you ?

* Do you know the role that you could play in the innovation process ?

* What do you do to maintain good health ?

*What do you do to stay motivated ?

*How disciplined are you about taking regular exercise ?

* How resilient are you ?

* Do you view the world through a positive or a negative optic ?

* What do you do in crisis ?

* Can you make things happen ?

*What one area would you really like to focus on improving ?

Intelligence Lies In The Enthusiasm To Learn New Things

Sunday, April 6, 2008


M.M.M.,Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

Programme your brain into positive and review the following questions

* What is your mission?

* What is your vision?

* What is your dream?

* What are yoursmart objectives?

* What are the key actions that will help me?

* What is the first things that I am going to do to get started.

* How will you know that you have been successful ?

* Recognize your achievement.

* Review it against your objectives and action plan.

* Plan what you want to do next.

* Start the same process of setting goals and outlining your next smart objectives.

* Celebrate what you have achieved.

There Are 100 Rules To Be a winner. The First Rule Is Think-That You Are A Winner. The Rest 99 Rules Are Nothing.

Friday, April 4, 2008


1. The Gift of wisdom-Respect and aquire knowledge to be wise.

2. The Gift of Vision-Keep on going towards the goal.

3. The Gift of communications-Communicate effectively for win-win deal.

4. The gift of Building Relationships-Improve human relationships.

5. The gift of Positive Thinking-Think differently and value the positive thought process.

6. The Gift of Compassion-Make contributions to the community.

7.The Gift of Self-Belief-Believe in yourself and adopt can do attitude.

8. The Gift of Resilience-Overcome the setbacks and keep going through hard times. Use failure as a stimulus to try again differently.

9. The Gift of Imagination-Use imagination to dream to be proactive, innovative and creative.

10. The Gift of Integrity-The ultimate gift, believe in a value system, honesty and trustworthiness.

Your Best Investment In The World Is Your Child

Message From Minister

I am happy to hear that a speciality periodical aimed at 'PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT" in students is being brought out at monthly interval. Every individual should aim at moulding their personality with some established fundamentals values and it should commence preferably from the onset of Teenage i.e; evolution of a man boyhood. Earlier the student life use to be under close monitoring of both Teachers and Parents. Today neither Teacher at school nor Parent at home has any time to spare for close monitoring of critical social responsibility and I hope it will raise to the occasion, face stiff challenges and comes out successfully

(Mandava Venkateshwara Rao)


Akber Bagh, Malakpet Colony,