* Self- Confidence is essential to develop a good memory power.
* You should believe in your capability of doing things how difficult they may be.
* When you feel you can you know and you deserve. You gain self-confidence.
* Elders should give a patient hearing to the doubts entertained by their children and clear them immediately.
* Self-Esteem is the rock on which the foundation of self-confidence can be laid. This is nothing but respecting yourself,your heal th, your capability to do a thing and lastly your personality.
* You are what you think you are. But first ask yourself, what do you thinkyou are? What are you capable of achieving? What are your hightest limits and greatest potentials? If you are a seed how big is the tree of your achievements?
* Self-Esteem makes self-motivated and ambitious, builds optmistic attitudes and improves perforance.
* Self-Confidence comes from preparation, which is nothing but planning and practicing.
* Winners put Pressure on themselves. That is the pressure of preparing and not worrying and winning.