Monday, April 7, 2008


M.M.M.Ahmed,Editor,Proactive Personality Developer

* Forgiveness is healthier, Stress reliever and peace of mind for you

* The person with whom you are engaged in conflict would either welcome your forgiveness or would forgive you too.

* Forgiveness does not mean excusing bad behaviour.Rather it means that you are prepared to move forward and let go of your bitterness towards the other person.

* If you don't forgive, the emotional weight you carry from the grudge when you think about the conflict increases blood pressure, stress hormones, heart rate, perspiration and muscle tenseness.

* Forgiveness is accepting the things you can't change, changing the things you can.

* You can't change the fact that the conflict occurred, but you can change your response to the conflict.

Adopt The Policy Of Forget And Forgive

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