Monday, April 7, 2008


M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* How entrepreneurial are you ?

* Do you know your worth?

* Could you convince someone else to employ you?

* Do you under or over value yourself ?

* What are you most proud of achieving ?

* How relevant and up to date is your knowledge ?

* Who do you benchmark yourself against ?

* How creative do you think you ?

* Do you know the role that you could play in the innovation process ?

* What do you do to maintain good health ?

*What do you do to stay motivated ?

*How disciplined are you about taking regular exercise ?

* How resilient are you ?

* Do you view the world through a positive or a negative optic ?

* What do you do in crisis ?

* Can you make things happen ?

*What one area would you really like to focus on improving ?

Intelligence Lies In The Enthusiasm To Learn New Things

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