Friday, April 18, 2008

Twelve Top Tips For Better Networking

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Network with people who van influence positive outcomes for you;

* Put effort into projecting a person- perfect and work-perfect image at all times

* Have the time of day for your network contacts;

* Advise your contacts if your phone number changes or your move jobs;

* Check your messages and e-mail regularly and consistently;

* Get back to people when you say you will;

* Make sure your contacts know what you expect from them;

* Don't network with people you don't know;

* Don't network with people who could let you down;

* Don't try to network with people with whom you've got no common interest or shared experience

* Don't let people you work with in on your darker secrets ( keep them to yourself);

* Don't use your network for gossip and spreading rumours;

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