Friday, April 18, 2008

Top TwelveTips For Group Discussion

M.M.M.Ahmed, Editor, Proactive Personality Developer

* Take care of your body language. It speaks more than your words.

* Articulate wellwithout fumbling and mumbling

* Make eye contact while talking.

* Use short sentences to express yourself.

* bind the attention of the listeners with good oratorical skills.

* Maintain your confident self- assured style.

* Exude composure, enthusiasm, confidence, mental alertness and exuberance.

* Don't get nervous. Being nervous reduces all preparations and efforts to nullity.

* Don't lose your self- confidence. Self confidence is the key to success.

* Don't be defensive. It gives a wrong impression that a person is too rigid in his views and cannot accept others views.

* Don't be impatient and argue unnecessarily. One proves to be a misfit in society.

* Don't be reserved or too arrogant. such a person cannot group tasks with ease

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